My holiday was really busy!!! My family and I went to Hong Kong, Sipadan, Mabul, Kapalai, and Kota Kinabalu this year! Whew! Plus there was also my mom's friend's wedding. It was fun decorating because when we went to get the ribbons, the store was closed so we had to cut red material instead! It hurt having to keep your hands in one place all the time! Anyways, let's backtrack to the beginning in Hong Kong. Well, the worst part was the first day at Hong Kong. We were supposed to meet the bride, the groom, and the groom's son (not related to the bride) in about three hours but I got so hungry, that when my mom was eating a granola bar, I didn't bother to check the ingredients on what it's made out of and I tried it, it tasted really good, and I had a stomach ache for five hours until I took a nap! Ugh, it was NOT fun.
A week later, all of us (my family(my mom, dad, me), & the bride's family) went to Kota Kinabalu to meet my family and to have Christmas Celebrations! It was so cool because on Christmas eve, the groom's son and I tried to make a Gingerbread house but the icing wasn't cut properly so the whole thing turned into an epic fail! :( No joke. But at least the gingerbread tasted good! :) Then we started having people dancing and I kept trying to do loads of cartwheels and semi handstands everywhere and my skirt didn't flip! Plus I made a new friend. Her name was the same as one of my best friend's friend's name! and she was one year younger than me! But she was a lot taller than me and she looked like she was actually one year older than me!
So same thing; a week later, we went to Tawau. Then we took a half-hour boat ride to Mabul so we could go Sipadan a few days after. The whole reason why we went there was for the wedding and also snorkeling in Sipadan so on the first day, I went snorkeling at Kapalai just to get used to using a snorkel again. It was pretty shallow. Not like at Sipadan where there's the drop-off! You can see just a little bit deep, then suddenly, it's like a black-out! At least that's how it looks like from where I was. But we saw Jackfish, Barracudas, and something that's called a Napoleon Wrasse and it's seriously huge! Moving on to the wedding, it was a huge success and the hotel we stayed at was a huge help! They made it one very special night for those two! From Tawau we flew straight home and we had a lot of fun! Like going swimming in my apartment, and shopping with my four year-old niece! She is so cute!!! So this so called Winter holiday, can be just as fun with/without snow! :D
360 picture
10 years ago
Nice.. liked the gingerbread house!
What a spectacular post to accompany a spectacular description of your vacation. What tremendous experiences you had -- and the picture to lead it in fits perfectly with your title! Great work!
You really had a fun and a busy vacation...
The vacation looks really fun.<3
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