What is flash? Well, if you think it's the kind of flash from a camera, you're wrong. Can't think of anything else? It's actually an animation created from Adobe Flash (R)My partner, Juanita, and I tried to use as an example it but we failed miserably...Anyways, to use flash, you have to have to download a software otherwise it won't be in your computer/laptop. Juanita and I think that before flash, there were movies and pictures but now that I've actually presented and everything, I think that before flash there were "gif" files. "Gif" files are pictures that move but once they are finished, they are set in stone and you can't change them but flash files you can change them however you like and you can make special modifications and you can make it do something when you want it to, how you want it to. What came after we half guessed, half already knew because it's already been created. What we think came next is hologram that moves and does what you want. A way to show this has already happened, is to watch this link. Click here. And here's an example of a GIF file Click Here. Cool huh? but that's not nearly as close as what COULD happen if you had used a flash file!
360 picture
9 years ago
If one of the links don't work, here's the GIF file: http://dancenet.s3.amazonaws.com/images/i626/breakdancing.gif and here's the hologram clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO10pkOLERQ . If you can't click them, copy and paste them into your URL address. Thank you very much!
Good job of editing your post with your comment -- can you provide the right link by editing your post? Worth fixing if possible.
You have some good information, and did a great job of telling what came before and what is coming next -- some creative thoughts.
A short description telling how animated gifs and flash animations are similar, but different could be helpful.
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